I write about Chanel Westcoast….if you consider this writing…I mean I know it’s words, but it’s not really in any official language, we think it’s english because that’s what I speak, but I am sure it wouldn’t do very well in an English class, maybe the third grade level, but luckily no one on the internet reads…they communicate with EMOJI and GIF…and those who do read…or who end up on this site….probably have a third grade level of reading aptitude…so luckily…we’re in this together… So…I “write” about Chanel Westcoast…but don’t really know her, or what she does, or what she’s about, or if she’s got any real success as a rapper, or if she’s sold any albums or if she makes money….but I do know that she does post some racy, slutty, a little too KArdashian inspired pics for my liking to social media…because people like to emulate trends and what works, rather then trying to define their own trends…it’s the American cookie cutter, do what people are comfortable school of branding…and as a pervert, into girls in bikinis taking shameless pics of themselves because no one else cares enough to…I approve of whatever message she’s trying to send on her social media, not that I read any of the captions, people don’t read anymore…GIFS and EMOJIS….and NOODZ….only. TO FOLLOW CHANEL WESTCOAST ON INSTAGRAM CLICK HERE The post Who the Fuck is Chanel Westcoast – Her Ass in a Bikini Explains…of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Who the Fuck is Chanel Westcoast – Her Ass in a Bikini Explains…of the Day