Tag Archives: bilerico

Salt & Pepper: Marriage Equality Explained


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Peppersition 8 from Jackson Conor on Vimeo . Check out this cute film that explains marriage equality with salt and pepper shakers. (Hat tip to Kenneth ) Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : The Bilerico Project Discovery Date : 16/08/2011 13:55 Number of articles : 2

Salt & Pepper: Marriage Equality Explained

Best of the Congressional Correspondent’s Dinner



Last night was the Congressional Correspondent’s Dinner and there were quite a few good speakers. Apparently, our Congressmen really are jokers! My favorite? New York Congressman Anthony Weiner. Republican Senator Rand Paul didn’t too bad either. I mean, c’mon, the guy is a walking joke so how hard could it be? Apparently, pretty darn hard. The funniest part of his gig is how very few people laugh,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Bilerico Project Discovery Date : 31/03/2011 20:33 Number of articles : 3

Best of the Congressional Correspondent’s Dinner

Democrats Shout ‘Shame’ at 1AM



Democrats erupt in Wisconsin as the house passes an austerity bill at 1AM . Nothing says “democracy” like passing a bill for the wealthy elite at 1AM. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Bilerico Project Discovery Date : 26/02/2011 04:09 Number of articles : 3

Democrats Shout ‘Shame’ at 1AM