Tag Archives: bionic-woman

Michelle Ryan in Lingerie for Cabaret of the Day

Michelle Ryan is some Doctor Who actress who was also the Bionic Woman in 2007 and who is now kinda chubby for some Cabaret stage show….where she wears lingerie….and you’d think she woulda been doing squats 6 months before this happened….but she’s still half naked and that is worth looking at as far as I am concerned…even if it isn’t amazing….I figure any of you Dr Who fans, who are as crazy as Harry Potter fans…and as crazy as Dungeons and Dragons and World of Warcraft….and all that other geek shit….

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Michelle Ryan in Lingerie for Cabaret of the Day

Depressed? Drink.

It has long been recognised that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to poor physical and mental health. However, there has been mounting evidence that low levels of alcohol consumption may also be associated with poor mental health possibly due to abstainers having other health problems or being reformed heavy drinkers. The study utilised data from the Nord-Tr

At last: A graph that explains Sci Fi TV after Star Trek

When have TV aliens been more popular than magic? Do shows featuring time travel fare better than those about space exploration?

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At last: A graph that explains Sci Fi TV after Star Trek