Tag Archives: bitches-doing

Jennifer Lawrence Does Archery in a Tight Dress of the Day

I don’t find Jennifer Lawrence interesting or more importantly hot…but I am for watching girls do various things in tight clothing…whether it is dancing erotically….skipping rope….hullahooping….pretty much anything….They don’t have to be hot, famous, or sell out actors chasing the billion dollar franchise….they just have to be in tight clothes moving….I am perverted like that…. So today’s new obscure fetish is bitches doing Archery in tight dresses….that bitch demonstrating just happens to be an overrated billion dollar franchise acting who was once a real actor nominated for academy awards..if that counts as being a real actor…since it is all staged…. Enjoy…

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Jennifer Lawrence Does Archery in a Tight Dress of the Day

Marisa Miller is the Earth’s Sexiest Woman of the DAy

I know people who work at these magazines and these lists and titles they come up with are all bullshit. There is no actual science, voting, logic behind this shit, they just write it and idiots believe it, but I don’t really care because I like seeing bitches doing any physical labor, especially when they have amazing bodies that, espeically when those amazing bodies are half naked, it is the kind of shit that just numbs me and makes me forget how annoying these asshole magazines are…and I guess they’ve figured out the magic formula to brainwash men everywhere and I’m pretty sure it didn’t take a team of experts for that…but I guess for today I’m glad it happened…especially since they photoshopped the fuck out of her face so that it didn’t look as haggard as a 40 year old ex stripper with a coke problem….like it normally does…

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Marisa Miller is the Earth’s Sexiest Woman of the DAy

Lookin’ Down Jessica Alba’s Shirt in the Park of the Day

I spend a lot of time in parks because parks are free, people leave you alone and there’s a whole variety of bullshit going on in them, whether drunks getting more drunk, crackheads doing more weird shit to trees, moms and their kids hanging out and playing, bending over and breast feeding or young couples fooling around and cuddling, thinking that perverts like me aren’t watching….There are girls suntanning, people exercising and even bitches doing Yoga…I’ve had sex in parks, seen people have sex in parks, jerked off to people having sex in parks, it’s better than watching a movie, and it is the ultimate escape from my shitbox I call home… So when I saw these pictures of ex-actor who once had a ton of sex appeal before she let her insanity get herself knocked-up prematurely to trap her boyfriend who was leaving her, I was reminded all the good times I am going to have in the park, you know when lookin’ down a shirt is actually hot, and not just hanging onto a memory….. Pics via PacificCoastNews

Lookin’ Down Jessica Alba’s Shirt in the Park of the Day