At BossipTV, everyone tries to pull their own weight. Yet and still, there is always that one who everyone knows isn’t doing JACK SQUAT. So how do those people remain on the office roster? What is it that keep them around? I don’t know, but maybe this BossipTV employee can shed some light on doing the least to get the most. Meet John Lathan. John Lathan is a 26-year-old Sales Manager. He relocated to Atlanta from San Francisco because, he says, his “scene” in San Francisco was getting too hectic. No one in the Bossip office quite understands what “scene” John was a part of in San Francisco, but they all agree he’s next in line to join the gay scene in Atlanta. He’s the ambiguously gay co-worker that flies under the radar. His desire to do the least amount of work is a source of contention in the workplace, but Sean keeps him around because he always manages to close the largest corporate advertising deals. And if you haven’t already, make sure to watch the “Diversity Training” episode of BOSSIP TV! Part 1 HERE Part 2 HERE Part 3 HERE
Meet The Characters: ‘Undercover Brother’ John Lathan Keeps All Of BossipTV Guessing