Tag Archives: black-fringe

Guess The Fringe Flappin’ Fat Backs!

This celebrity seed socialite makes some pretty daring fashion choices. Were you able to identify the assets above? Angela Simmons was spotted trekking to a Beverly Hills nails salon in this interesting look. Are You Feelin’ This Get Up? GSIMedia

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Guess The Fringe Flappin’ Fat Backs!

Dancing with the Stars Power Rankings: Top 7

7. Michael Irvin and Anna Demidova Though many wrote him off as an obvious choice to go during the first double elimination — with a knockout dance no less — Michael rose to the occasion with a delightful, if technically lacking, samba that bought him another week from the judges. Continue reading

Red Carpet Hits and Misses – November

Hit Ashley Judd is flapper chic in a black fringe dress with flirty movement. Continue reading