Tag Archives: black-or-pro

Natashy Poly’s Naked for Fashion of the Day

This can’t be considered porn or NSFW even you can see her bald pussy sticking its tongue out at us….because it is in Vogue…and that in turn makes it fashion….so here’s some naked pussy…that belongs to a bitch named Natasha Poly….who like a hooker….gets naked for money….but is more socially acceptable….because hookers get no respect with their tormented souls and sad stories…..but models live the good life…life’s so unfair….here are the pics.

See the original post:
Natashy Poly’s Naked for Fashion of the Day

Man Licking Urinal of the Day

I don’t know what they deal is with this video, when it is from, where it is shot or why anyone would lick a fucking urinal in a public place…but I do know that this dude has so much more in common with Kim Kardashian than pretty much anyone else…maybe he is the soulmate she’s been looking for…only far less black or pro athlete…either way, disgusting…..

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Man Licking Urinal of the Day