Tag Archives: body-as-much

Robyn Lawley Fat Bikini Model of the Day

The rumor is that Fat models are people too…I don’t believe it…. I wouldn’t know because when I see fat girls, including my wife, my brain kinda turns off and they become invisible, unless it is 3 am and I have a boner that needs tending to, in which case my survival mode kicks in and I’m ready to face fuck as long as none of my friends see me go home with the bitch… But as I love of all half nakedness for money, even when it shouldn’t really be something bitch should be confident enough to pull off, I am gonna endorse her body as much as her doing this endorses obesity and diabetes to all the young girls in a “Love your body” campaign that is indirectly making everyone fat and unhealthy….instead of encouraging healt and fitness….

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Robyn Lawley Fat Bikini Model of the Day