Tag Archives: bonnie-fuller

Is Paula Abdul Exit an American Idol PR Stunt?

Despite Paula Abdul’s farewell Tweet and Fox wishing her happy trails, the latest American Idol conspiracy theory suggests she’s not going anywhere. Here are a few bits of evidence (albeit circumstantial) that make us wonder if the reality show and the wacky, but entertaining judge are really parting ways: Within an hour of Abdul’s bombshell, celebrity gossip maven Bonnie Fuller, late of HollywoodLife.com, tweeted that “Abdul has already signed her new deal [with American Idol ]. The whole sob story was a pure publicity stunt.” Asked to comment if there was no way Abdul wouldn’t be back on American Idol come the winter and the launch of the new season, Fox reps didn’t respond

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Is Paula Abdul Exit an American Idol PR Stunt?

Paula Abdul Announces She’s Leaving Idol, Bonnie Fuller Says She’s Lying

Tonight Paula Abdul announced that she’s leaving American Idol . Bonnie Fuller then stepped up to call shenanigans on Paula. All of this salacious drama played out on Twitter, naturally.

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Paula Abdul Announces She’s Leaving Idol, Bonnie Fuller Says She’s Lying