Tag Archives: booked-the-big

Kendra Wilkinson Mom Stretch Marks of the Day

Kendra Wilkinson decided to showcase the damage done to her stomach by her children – on mothers day – to show off how disgusting breeding is – even though she claims it has made her happy – probably because she’s a broken woman and also because the baby daddy and tranny fucking father is rich and has money to support her more than she ever thought she’d have – back when she was a ghetto trailer park stripper… Pregnancy is disgusting and ruins women, unfortunately, women are so delusional that they don’t realize it, or they do – but their hormones don’t allow them to not get pregnant – breeding is what they are told they need to do…. It is amazes me that anyone other than maybe her father, who based on her inbred eyes, clearly believes in fucking family members cuz they are so convenient to creep up on when you come home drunk…. would find Kendra Wilkinson hot… Even when she was on PLAYBOY I was confused by her existing….but now that she’s posting her ravaged stomach…I am just confused by this kind of body positive “Hey mom’s like unite” like they do at Starbucks after baby swim class – only on instagram… But none of it takes away from her SEX TAPE A SEX TAPE I REVIEWED IN ONE OF MY BEST EDITORIAL COVERAGE IN THE HISTORY OF MY MODERN JOURNALIST CAREER No Seriously…. WATCH THIS PRE IMPLANT SEX WITH A DOWNS SYNDROME TAPE It’s Brilliant… I guess what I am saying is BUY HER SEX TAPE …let’s make me some YACHT MONEY off such a TERRIBLE looking Ravaged by Pregnancy crack whore…. The post Kendra Wilkinson Mom Stretch Marks of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendra Wilkinson Mom Stretch Marks of the Day

Ginta Lapina by Gilles Bensimon in ELLE UK of the Day

Here’s model Ginta Lapina in Elle UK June 2016, shot by legendary old time who has taken pics of everyone – French photographer – who has been in the scene for a long fucking time – probably best known for being married to that bitch who got famous on that Reality Housewives show – but who I like to remember for marrying my favorite model – Elle Macpherson back when she was in her 20s…circa 1988….Gilles Bensimon… Ginta Lapina is a Latvian model, who according to my Lativan friend is just average looking compared to Latvian girls, who are apparently the hottest breed of communist around….and affordable too…. She is probably best known for doing Victoria’s Secret once, there are a lot of titty models who have booked the big evil billion dollar mall brand once…and you’re lookin’ at one of them… It’s safe to say, even when knowing ZERO about her…that she dates rich guys an that this is just part of keeping her day rate / night rate / hooker rate up to be able to afford her rent (as if she pays her rent) and her luxury private jet trips (as if she pays for her trips)…. I guess what I’m saying is – Nipples…for fashion… The post Ginta Lapina by Gilles Bensimon in ELLE UK of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ginta Lapina by Gilles Bensimon in ELLE UK of the Day