All I nose is that when Sarah Jessica Parker was young – she wasn’t hot…so to think there would be anything hot about her when she’s well into her 50s…would be insane…but the interesting thing about it is that her big tits on her skinny frame matter less and less as her nose seems to matter more and more…taking over the fucking scene that is Sarah Jessica Parker…and her homosexual husband / bff. Who cares about these people? I know..and Sarah Jessica parker NOSE too… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Iggy Azalea is a bootleg rapper, popstar, who doesn’t write her own music, but has attached herself via her vagina to as many black rapper dudes as possible and has in turn become very popular, at least with white suburban girls – especially the fat ones -because she is living their dream, giving them a voice, and all that bullshit.. She has a sex tape out there, a stunt I am sure she created, she’s from Australia and claims to have been a stripper, I am sure there is more to this story as no investor would ever put money into a stripper from Australia, they just aren’t reliable people. It’s all a facade, an image, a fake as fuck fabricated lie… But she masturbates on stage and I can’t see how that could be bad for the 16 year old girls obsessed with her…I mean I’m sure it wouldn’t lead to them being inspired to do illegal shit themselves – because historically kids are never influenced by their idols…right? All this to say…Iggy Azalea is the worst… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE