Tag Archives: both-couples

Kimye vs. Killiam: Clash of the Covers!

One is Royalty. The other is royally annoying. But both couples have graced the cover of national magazines over the past few months. First, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West posed for Vogue , making the former’s dreams come true and hopefully making her realize that she needs to get new dreams. Then, just this week, Kate Middleton and Prince William (along with little Prince George !) were featured on the cover of Vanity Fair , a first for the very famous couple. Which photo do you prefer? Which couple’s cover looks classiest? Compare. Contrast. And decide now: And the Winner is? Killiam! Click Here To Vote for Killiam! Kimye! Click Here To Vote for Kimye! The Royals or the royally irritating? Which couple looks best on its national magazine cover? View Poll »

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Kimye vs. Killiam: Clash of the Covers!