Tag Archives: both-on-board

So How Do Will And Jada Feel About Their Son Jaden’s Dress Swag?

Will And Jada Respond To Jaden’s Dress Everyone knows Will & Jada’s kids are on their own page , but recent snaps of Jaden rocking dresses have gotten people asking “where are their parents?!” for the umpteenth time. Will has spoken about Jaden’s fashion choices in the past, but he seemed more concerned with his son wearing the same pair of dusty shoes for years on end more so than if his clothes were gender-specific. Well a source close to the Smith fam shared with HL how they really feel about Jaden’s new easy, breezy, feminine-inspired style: “Will and Jada have their own arguments about their kids and some of the choices they make, but they are both on board when it comes to Jaden’s fashion choices. They are so used to it by now that it doesn’t bother them at all. They like his choices and think he looks pretty cool.” Well no surprises here. The Smiths seem to kind of let their kids run amok, so it isn’t too surprising Jaden has his parents’ blessing on shopping in the junior miss department. Hit the flip for more of Jaden’s “girl clothes.” Instagram

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So How Do Will And Jada Feel About Their Son Jaden’s Dress Swag?