Tag Archives: too-surprising

Super-Geeked President Obama Strikes A Pose With Usain Bolt In Jamaica

The POTUS is having the time of his life down in Jamaica. He’s already kicking local slang , and now he’s meeting the fastest man in the world — which he made no secret of being in awe of.

See the article here:
Super-Geeked President Obama Strikes A Pose With Usain Bolt In Jamaica

So How Do Will And Jada Feel About Their Son Jaden’s Dress Swag?

Will And Jada Respond To Jaden’s Dress Everyone knows Will & Jada’s kids are on their own page , but recent snaps of Jaden rocking dresses have gotten people asking “where are their parents?!” for the umpteenth time. Will has spoken about Jaden’s fashion choices in the past, but he seemed more concerned with his son wearing the same pair of dusty shoes for years on end more so than if his clothes were gender-specific. Well a source close to the Smith fam shared with HL how they really feel about Jaden’s new easy, breezy, feminine-inspired style: “Will and Jada have their own arguments about their kids and some of the choices they make, but they are both on board when it comes to Jaden’s fashion choices. They are so used to it by now that it doesn’t bother them at all. They like his choices and think he looks pretty cool.” Well no surprises here. The Smiths seem to kind of let their kids run amok, so it isn’t too surprising Jaden has his parents’ blessing on shopping in the junior miss department. Hit the flip for more of Jaden’s “girl clothes.” Instagram

See the article here:
So How Do Will And Jada Feel About Their Son Jaden’s Dress Swag?

Lindsay Lohan Posing For Playboy?!

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According to TMZ.com Lindsay Lohan is posing nude for Playboy for nearly one million dollars! “Her rep told EW he cannot confirm whether or not Lohan will indeed pose, but it wouldn’t be too surprising that a woman who already appeared partially nude for New York magazine would accept a big payday to star in another tasteful shoot.” The past shoot featured a topless Lohan posing as the iconic Marilyn Monroe. Amy Winehouse & 9 Other Artists Who Have Struggled With Addiction Did Lindsay Lohan Fall Off The Wagon? Toni Braxton To Pose Nude For Playboy [VIDEO] Lindsay Lohan Gets Tipsy On Tea

Lindsay Lohan Posing For Playboy?!

Nicki Minaj and Drake: The New Year’s Hookup

Nicki Minaj and Drake got hot and heavy over New Year’s. Not too surprising, since they’re married , after all. Just kidding … probably. After separate New Year’s Eve performances in Miami, the couple reportedly met up during the after hours for some hot, heavy cuddling. According to reports , Drake bolted to meet up with Nicki promptly after leaving his party so that they could have some alone time together . DRICKI: An eyewitness saw them leaving together after partying until 4 am . “Right after the clock struck midnight, Drake left his party at the W South Beach and dashed over to Nicki’s Moet & Chandon-sponsored bash at Mansion.” “[They] were dancing and cuddling all night.” Commence wedding rumors, round two! These two are SO into each other. As far as the Nicki Minaj sex tape rumors? Those we cannot vouch for.

Original post:
Nicki Minaj and Drake: The New Year’s Hookup

Kendra Wilkinson Baby Bump Update: Cute, Growing!

Cute expectant mom alert! With her baby bump growing (as they have been known to), the expectant Kendra Wilkinson, a.k.a. Mrs.

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Kendra Wilkinson Baby Bump Update: Cute, Growing!