Here are 16 celebs who do look nice with their faces beat to the gods, but look even better bare.
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#Flawless Folks: Celebs Who Look Stunning Without All That Heavy Makeup
Kevin Hart is one of GQ’s 15 Funniest People Alive in their May issue. Inside the edition the comedian reveals how his mom’s strict upbringing helped him hone the discipline that’s helped him reach the top of his game. We’ve got few of our favorite excerpts below, via GQ : On where the money went from his first development deal with ABC: “I don’t know where the hell it went. It’s all in throwback jerseys and bomber jackets. That’s why I have so much respect for money now.” On being on good terms with his ex-wife, actress Torrei Hart: “We’re very happy in the Hart household right now.” That one was kinda funny to us considering the recent shade she threw…. But we did think it was great that he made some serious adjustments following his DUI last year: When it’s time to leave for the premiere, we pile into Hart’s tricked out Sprinter. Designed to seat twelve, the “party bus” has been customized for his comfort: dark hardwood floors, leather walls, satellite TV, WiFi, a bar, a fridge, a couch, and two fifty-inch televisions. He bought it last year after getting a DUI, a misstep that he describes as unconscionably stupid. So he made a decision: No more driving. Since then, the chauffeured Benz “has become my serenity,” he says. He works on board, building his empire while stuck in traffic. And he sleeps better here than anywhere else, despite the vehicle’s wobbly suspension. “I have to take Dramamine when I’m in here,” says his girlfriend, the model-actress Eniko Parrish, making a queasy face. “But he’s spoiled in it—his man cave on wheels.” We also thought it was interesting that he’s modeling his career after some serious moguls: Hart imagines himself as not just an actor or a comedian, but a mogul in the making, the CEO of his own company, the master of his own domain, a brand. He admires Will Smith and Denzel Washington, no doubt, but when you ask who he’s modeling his career after, Jay Z and Beyoncé and Tyler Perry and Sean Puffy Combs are the names he drops. You can read the full interview HERE . Photo credit: Peter Yang/GQ.
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged bought-it-last, celeb news, chitchatter, for your information, funniest-people, Hollywood, House, kevin-hart, Photo, Yahoo