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Parental Notification Dominates Testimony At Hearing On Teen Health

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Yesterday, the Legislature’s Program Review and Investigations Committee heard significant testimony on parental notification for minors seeking abortions at its public hearing on teen health. What You Need To Know About New FDA Sunscreen Rules The Family Institute of Connecticut played a key role in arranging this first-ever hearing on parental notification. Sen. Michael McLachlan (R-Danbury) testified about parental notification. He observed that Connecticut legislators want parental notification for teen tanning but not for teen abortions. “Connecticut is fifth in the nation for teen abortions. Connecticut’s teen abortion rate is fifty-five percent higher than the national average,” McLachlan stated. “Parental notification crosses the boundary between pro-life and pro-choice… parental notification is a reasonable expectation of this legislature,” he added. Legislators also heard heart-wrenching testimony from the directors of crisis pregnancy centers, who counsel teens considering abortion on a daily basis. 7 Top Tips To Alleviate Leg Cramps “Parental notification is a common-sense protection for Connecticut’s youth,” stated FIC Executive Director Peter Wolfgang. “Over thirty-six states, including Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania have laws requiring parental involvement in a minor’s decision to have an abortion. If a school nurse can’t administer aspirin to a minor without a parent’s consent, it’s just common sense that the parent should be involved in a child’s decision to undergo a surgical procedure like abortion,” stated Wolfgang. “Currently, Connecticut law deprives teens of the benefit of guardianship when faced with the decision whether to obtain an abortion. It is not a decision that teens should make alone,” he added. “The lack of a parental notification law creates a loophole that is exploited by human traffickers and statutory rapists,” stated Wolfgang. In 2008, a West Hartford man, Adam Gault, was arrested for abducting a 13-year old girl and holding her captive as his sex slave for over a year. In the course of her captivity, Gault impregnated the girl and had her brought to the Planned Parenthood in West Hartford for an abortion. “If Connecticut had a parental notification law, Adam Gault would have been apprehended much sooner,” commented Wolfgang. “Right now, human traffickers and statutory rapists can cover up their crimes by obtaining abortions for their victims. Knowingly or not, Planned Parenthood aids and abets criminals like Adam Gault in covering up their unspeakable offenses,” he added. “Raymond Bechard’s new book, The Berlin Turnpike: A True Story of Human Trafficking in America, has drawn significant attention to the human trafficking of minors in Connecticut. Passing a parental notification law is an important step towards combating this problem and increasing scrutiny on human traffickers,” elaborated Wolfgang. “We also offer a special thanks to Sen. John Kissel (R-Enfield). It was Sen. Kissel who first suggested the idea that led to yesterday’s hearing at FIC’s February 3rd legislative breakfast. It was his good advice that led to FIC’s biggest ever pro-active victory, a public hearing on parental notification,” concluded Wolfgang. Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet

Parental Notification Dominates Testimony At Hearing On Teen Health

Imam Fights Street Crime With Real Fight Club [VIDEO]

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How do you stop street crime? You do the obvious, you give the kids something to do.  An Imam in Philadelphia is taking an interesting position on kids and street fighting. He is teaching how to fight for real. He started a boxing training center. Number Of Muslims Is Expected To Double By 2030 The young boxers are a range of ages. Some were raised Muslim, some Christian, some follow no faith, but all are welcome. The lessons are free and not just about boxing. Imam Muhammad talks endlessly about discipline, respect, education and commitment; about young people turning into responsible adults. He knows all too well that just outside the doors others are pushing different messages, about gangs and drugs, and young boxers must run the gauntlet to come train. So he wants to get good habits established early. Words Of Wisdom: Malcolm X Quotes So 10 years ago he started Masjid Muhammad of Philadelphia, a mosque in the old rundown warehouse. As he sat and explained how the mosque had grown to 500 members, workers above him pushed and slapped stucco into the three story stone facade above him. They started by fixing up the inside so people could have a safe place to come and pray. You can watch the video here:

Imam Fights Street Crime With Real Fight Club [VIDEO]