Tag Archives: boys-cursing

Toni, Your New Favorite YouTube Creep [NSFW]

Dude looks like a lady, although that's probably because of the nude fleshsuit. Read more about your new favorite monster here . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Worst Dog Haircuts Ever

Dressing up animals is one thing… But shearing poodles to look like lions, my little ponies and cow-dog hybrids is just wrong on every level. These are from the Groom Expo, various years, yes it's lasted more than a year.

See the original post:
Worst Dog Haircuts Ever

Top 5 Buzz List – Oct 12th

These are the top posts from Monday, October 12, 2009. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Star Trek: The Gag Reel

Hey look, it's all those cute Star Trek boys cursing and making fart noises.

The rest is here:
Star Trek: The Gag Reel