Tag Archives: brando murphy

Eddie Murphy’s Fake Son Abandons $50 Million Lawsuit

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The proverbial spit has hit the fan in the case of Eddie Murphy versus his fake son Brando Murphy for $50 million. Brando Murphy, a…

Eddie Murphy’s Fake Son Abandons $50 Million Lawsuit

Wait, What? Georgia High School Ends Swirly Segregation To Hold Its First Racially Integrated Prom

Is this 2014 or 1950? High School Has First Racially Integrated Prom Swirl on… According to NY Daily News: There’s finally one prom for everyone at Wilcox County High School. Up until this year, students at the school of about 400 students in rural Rochelle, Ga. — population 1,415 — attended either a spring dance for white students, or a separate event for black students. The school did not hold an official prom, but left it up to parents, who organized the segregated events each year after the school first integrated in the 1970s. But in 2013, a group of students led by four best friends — two black girls and two white girls — kicked the shocking tradition to the curb by organizing their own integrated prom, held a week after the traditional whites-only event. This year, prom became an official school event, and race didn’t factor into the invites. Mareshia Rucker, one of the students who helped organize last year’s prom, said some in the community still don’t approve. “I’m absolutely sure that there are teachers that are still in the system right now that are at my school and they still don’t want an integrated prom,” Rucker told WGXA News. It’s a damn shame that some CHILDREN had to put an end to prom apartheid that these grown azz adults wanted to hold on to so bad. WMAZ

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Wait, What? Georgia High School Ends Swirly Segregation To Hold Its First Racially Integrated Prom

Brando Murphy Explains Lawsuit Against “Father” Eddie Murphy And Wendy “Wendel” Williams [Video]

The odd and kind of funny Brando Murphy (alleged Eddie Murphy Son) stopped by… to talk. Comedian Brando Murphy explains why he’s suing Eddie Murphy & Wendy Williams.

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Brando Murphy Explains Lawsuit Against “Father” Eddie Murphy And Wendy “Wendel” Williams [Video]