i was testing the web can and it all became all about my daughter rihanna. sorry about the big rumble in the back ground at the end of the video. http://www.youtube.com/v/pZQfGWjXRU0?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more: 4 year old talking about justin bieber tickets
I’m in a new international Boyband called THE UNITED check it out www.youtube.com !… PS I know I haven’t posted a new video in a long time, I really appreciate all your support! Hope u enjoy!! Remember to “LIKE” this video and SUBSCRIBE!! VLOG CHANNEL °°° fonzy91vlog °°° SUBSCRIBE! TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK FAN PAGE www.facebook.com DAILYBOOTH dailybooth.com MSN Fonzy991@hotmail.it MYSPACE www.myspace.com JUSTIN.TV Channel www.justin.tv *TAGS* justin bieber boyfriend believe new album selena gomez bruno mars official twilight teaser video girls hands sexy wow first single vid kidrauhl one time biebs usher island def jam singing canada my world scooter braun anania step the united http://www.youtube.com/v/k84BNU5LSnA?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata View original post here: Me Singing “Boyfriend” By Justin Bieber (COVER)