Nina Agdal has recently been kicked out of the Adam Levine harem and replaced with his last vagina, because obviously this vagina wasn’t good enough. She wasn’t the one, he couldn’t connect with her, but I am thinking it wasn’t anyone’s fault specifically, you know cuz I like to speculate on models and popstar relationships and act like I really understand them, even when the popstar involved, aka the model killer, is someone I find really irritating, irritating enough that looking at the pussy he has tainted, makes me hate the pussy he has tainted. I’m emotionally stable like that. Either way, I am thinking the break-up came from her looking like she’s got Downs Syndrome….plus everyone likes Victoria’s Secret models better than SI Models…cuz SI has no quality control department and throw in every fat ass… not that it matters. Here are my tribute to a love that was… TO see the rest of the pics FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Nina Agdal in Lingerie To Celebrate Being Dumped of the Day