Tag Archives: brown-comedians

The Power Photo of the Week for Memorial Day Weekend of the Day

Here’s a casual picture posted by one of the three vapid cunts of the year, Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin and Bella Hadid – who has in recent years has replaced Gigi Hadid…and you know that this is some illuminati shit…where they are all collectively laughing at how they trolled the fuck out of the world, unless they are just the narcissists you’d expect them to be…who probably think this is less of a troll, and more recognition for their talent and hard work…despite all three of the rich ones, and their token..not having talent at all… Interesting how these things work out when you’re already rich..but not that interesting…where’s the peeing in the shower, on each other’s faces…that’s what I want to see….. So Edgy, crazy, wild and exciting for some really fucking boring – mainstream cunts… The post The Power Photo of the Week for Memorial Day Weekend of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Power Photo of the Week for Memorial Day Weekend of the Day

Priyanka Chopra Cleavage of the DAy

Priyanka Chopra is in some Bangladeshi photoshoot you’d expect to see on the walls of the convenience store you buy your beer at…owned by some Bangladeshi…showcasing his daughter’s wedding or some shit… But apparently they are promo pics for the new Baywatch, that I fear people will see thanks to Marketing, but should never see, thank to it being pure fucking shit…there’s no way it will be good or worth seeing and the producers should be punished for their sins…not rewarded for a terrible idea…you know… Priyanka Chopra is the answer…Miss World / Bollywood Star / Millions of Spam Bot traffic on social media of Indian call center workers who love seeing their own succeed, it’s the only thing I can imagine is responsible for that brown comedians success…INDIA… Either way, great tits, makes me want eat vindaloo of of them….before shitting myself spicy…for the next week….Indian…goodness…in the WORSt shoot ever. I like how her NAN bread on her back is bulging out…SEXy The post Priyanka Chopra Cleavage of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Priyanka Chopra Cleavage of the DAy