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SMFH: Florida Man Gropes Woman’s Groin On A Flight, Explains That “Trump Said It’s OK To Grab Women By Their Private Parts”

Scott Olson/Getty Images) Man Gropes Woman On Plane, Since Trump Says It’s Okay To Do So Don’t let your president get you effed up out here! One Florida man learned this lesson the hard way aboard a Southwest flight from Houston to Albuquerque. 49-year-old Bruce Michael Alexander was arrested and charged with abusive sexual contact after reaching forward and grabbing the breast of a sleeping woman seated on the row in front of him. According to a criminal complaint acquired by BuzzfeedNews , the woman says she felt a hand come from behind her and brush the right side of her breast about 15 to 20 minutes after she fell asleep in her seat. She assumed it was a simple mistake…until about 30 minutes later when she felt Alexander’s fingers move from the back of her arm to above her elbow, finally groping her around her ribs and breast. She described the hand as having “thick, hairy fingers and dirty fingernails.” Needless to say, cops were waiting on Alexander when the flight touched down. Authorities say that he began copping presidential pleas, claiming that President Trump himself had said “it’s OK to grab women by their private parts.” Of course, his recently hired lawyer is trying to claim that the police simply heard wrong…but we’re guessing that if this man is reckless enough to put his hands on strangers’ genitalia, he’s wild enough to say something like that to police once he gets picked up. SMH. Scott Olson/Getty Images

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SMFH: Florida Man Gropes Woman’s Groin On A Flight, Explains That “Trump Said It’s OK To Grab Women By Their Private Parts”