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Dunkin Donuts Changes It’s Name And Folks Are Blaming Millennials

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Source: Peter Kramer / Getty Dunkin’ Donuts pulled an IHOP move on everyone earlier this week when they announced that they’ll be changing their name to just ‘Dunkin’ now.   The purpose of the name change, which will officially take place in January , is to reflect the chain’s increasing emphasis on coffee and other drinks, which make up 60 percent of its sales. According to the Associated Press, “the 68-year-old chain has toyed with the idea for a while. In 2006, it released a new motto — “America runs on Dunkin’ — that didn’t mention doughnuts. Last fall, it tested the “Dunkin’” logo on a new store in Pasadena, California; it has put the name on a few other stores since then.”   David Hoffman, the CEO Dunkin’ Brands, said in statement, “Our new branding is a clear signal that there’s something new at Dunkin’. It speaks to the breadth of our offering.” Despite what the Dunkin’ higher ups say, folks are saying millennials are the reason for the sudden rebranding.   One Twitter user complained, “Lazy Millennials finding it extremely difficult to pronounce or text extra syllables, Dunkin Donuts will now be known as Dunkin. Keeping to the trend we will now buy burgers at King eat tacos from Bell buy tires from Mr. buy carpet at Barn and mattresses at Warehouse.” Another stated, “Dunkin’ Donuts is too long a name for Millennials to say or remember. I’m surprised they didn’t shorten it to #DD” But Atlanta-based marketing consultant Laura Ries thinks the millennial haters may be on to something. She told AP that “ Dunkin’ eventually won’t mean anything to younger customers who haven’t grown up with the full name. Specific words are easier for people to remember and conjure emotional connections, she said. Having “Donuts” in the name is also easier for people in overseas markets who may not know what “Dunkin’ means.”   The gag is, many Gen X and Y’ers have vocal about their disdain for Dunkin’ coffee anyway. hi. Dunkin's coffee is trash. — Kyle Feldscher (@Kyle_Feldscher) September 25, 2018 Coffee is trash. Why would Dunkin' want to be about a trash drink instead of delicious, delicious donuts? — Benjamin Winters (@SKCBensa) September 25, 2018 Earlier this year, IHOP caught hella flak for changing it’s name to IHOB — International House Of Burgers — then changing it back. And let’s not forget that KFC had to issue a press release to put an end to an online rumor that that claims the restaurant was forced to change its name because it doesn’t serve real chicken. Word to the “food chain” wise, millenials can smell the thirst from a mile away — so don’t blame us when the rebrand doesn’t work.   Do you think Dunkin’ Donuts’ name change will have an effect of the brand overall? Hit us up on Facebook and Twitter to share your thoughts. via GIPHY

Dunkin Donuts Changes It’s Name And Folks Are Blaming Millennials