Tag Archives: caleb-spencer

Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 13 Recap: SPALEB!

Spaleb is officially a thing. On Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 13 , Hanna came right out and asked Spencer about her feelings for Caleb. Spencer gave an honest answer and, even more shockingly, Hanna gave this potential new couple her blessing. Watch Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 13 Online Apparently five years really can change a lot, huh? Whatever we want to refer to Spencer and Caleb’s status as ( relationship feels too strong at the moment, right?), it’s pretty darn hot. The hand-holding alone nearly made out computer screens catch on fire and that’s before we consider how both of these two attractive people have been through a lot and yet come out the other side… together. Elsewher… we were given clues that were meant to make us believe that Ezra killed Charlotte. Like how Ashley wouldn’t serve him alcohol at Radley – or that damning security footage-related freakout against the girls. We don’t think Ezra did it. But we don’t think the show will stop making us try to think he did any time soon, either. Melissa also freaked out this week. Following a botched meeting with a journalist from the college paper, she feared that that her taped confession about the evening Alison went missing had fallen into the wrong hands. Remember when Alison went missing? Feels like decades ago, doesn’t it? Finally, Lucas is back! And he’s got three houses! And a really nice car! What prompted his return to Rosewood? Will the police eventually learn he helped craft Hanna’s lie? Is he being set up as a potential new A? So many questions. So many more likely to come  Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 14 . Hurry up and watch Pretty Little Liars online if you need to catch up so that we can all discuss whether or not Emily is lying about donating her eggs.

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Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 13 Recap: SPALEB!