Tag Archives: call-the-rest

Nina Agdal In Lingerie Is Awesome!

I know I say this about a lot of models, but Nina Agdal is actually my favorite new supermodel. I just call the rest of them that to make them feel better about themselves. I know a blogger’s approval means a lot. Anyway, all you need to do is look at this awesome lingerie photoshoot Nina did for some company called Yeni Inci to see why I like her so much. I’m telling you, this girl is going places. Like hopefully my bedroom, after she finds out all the nice things I’ve been saying about her. Fingers crossed. Related Articles: Nina Agdal Does Carl’s Jr. Nina Dobrev Is Super Cuteg Nina Agdal In A Bikini For Carl’s Jr. & Hardee’s Nina Agdal’s Super Sexy Bikini Pictures

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Nina Agdal In Lingerie Is Awesome!