Tag Archives: called-google

Amy Jackson in Nelly Lingerie of the Day

I don’t much about this Amy Jackson model chick, but luckily, there’s this thing called google, that may be a seemingly practical tool for all your internet needs, but that is obviously evil, because it controls what we have access to, since we all use them to find shit on the internet. Best scam ever. Control the information… Well, what google wanted me to know about this Amy Jackson model, is that she was in the Miss Teen World pageant, then she was clever enough to star in Bollywood movies as the white girl, because INDIA is a massive market and being the whiteness in their brown world, leads to fame and fortune, instead of sucking American producer dick, just to get an extra gig….like other models do… I guess she dabbles in lingerie modeling…in catalog shots…that are boring as fuck…but that’s got nothing to do with her – and everything to do with the flaw that is catalog shots… TO SEE ALL THE LINGERIE PICS CLICK HERE

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Amy Jackson in Nelly Lingerie of the Day