Watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit S11E23: Wannabe The man who fits the description of the suspect that raped three young girls was discovered when the said man flashed the costumers at an electronic store, Captain Donald Cragen organized a task force to apprehend the said rapist. A rookie policeman then makes the arrest which Detectives Eliot Stabler and Olivia Benson then confirm. But when Assistant District Attorney Jo Marlowe made his doubts on the said case felt, it is later on discovered that the newbie cop who made the arrest seems to have some well kept secrets of his own. The new episode of Law & Order: SVU is the series’ 23rd episode of the season that aired last 05/12/2010 Wednesday at 9:00 pm on NBC. Watch Law & Order: SVU 11×23 Free Online Streaming Full Episodes Replay of the Latest Season and Video Clip Download Link:
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Watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Season 11 Episode 23 – Wannabe