Tag Archives: care-as-much

Lindsay Lohan on a Video Shoot of the Day

Here are some pictures of Lindsay Lohan taking any work she can get and a band taking advantage of a once famous pussy everyone wanted to fuck being in desperate need for work to generate some attention to themselves by getting her half naked and seductive like an escort you find in the back of the local entertainment newspaper…. Overall, I’m pretty disappointed with Lohan’s comeback tour, because I know how easy it is for her to get famous and relevant again, because I’m a huge fan of her tits, even though her face is botoxed and looks like it’s 40 at 25, a hustle I generally don’t masturbate to…but maybe you do….. Watching her doing graffitti like some rebel without a cause is ultra lame….but I hate graffiti, especially when it is the plotline of using lohan in a music video and at least she’s showing off those tits…since that’s all she has going for her….what a joke…..

Continued here:
Lindsay Lohan on a Video Shoot of the Day

The Shannon Twins Sluts in Public of the Day

I don’t know if these twins were molested by their father or raped by an uncle, but I think it is safe to assume they were. I am always skeptical when it comes to young girls who get into stripping, then playboy, then porn, before they were 20, even if they have that whole look to them, like they milked male attention their whole life, playing off each other and their twin fetishes, to get free games at the bowling alley and other ghetto trash shit…..and really if they were molested by their father, or raped by their uncle, it’s not all that bad a thing, cuz it taught them the value of whoring themselves and gave them a head start on the skill needed for fucking……in a look at them now….kinda way…while everyone else they dropped out of high school with are meth addicted and blowing themselves up with bootleg fireworks in the trailer park….true story.

Originally posted here:
The Shannon Twins Sluts in Public of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch at an Event of the Day

The good news about running an UGLY watch about a bitch who paid the media and a plastic surgeon to label her as HOT cuz little kids who she was marketed to don’t care as much as I do about the lies the media feed them…especially when it comes to a pussy thinking it is hot when it clearly isn’t….cuz coupled with her constant working out, she’s done some shit to her, like some home improvement that turned the shack in the woods she once was, into this suburban 2 bedroom bungalow she is now, and although no one dreams of the suburban bungalow as kids, it’s better than a shack. If you know what I mean…and if you don’t it is that she’s gone from a 2 to a 5 and that’s progress we should encourage….next step…Implants…..even though I hate implants…but they will make her look better in clothes and distract from her boring, uneventful, distorted, picasso drawn inbred retard face.

Read the original here:
Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch at an Event of the Day