Tag Archives: cared-enough

Courtney Stodden’s Valentine’s Day Bikini of the Day

These staged pics of Courtney Stodden in her bikini with her husband taht I feel like an idiot calling staged because they are of Courtney Stodden and everything about her is fucking staged…even the fact that she’s 16….or that her tits are real….or anything that diverts from the truth that I’d go out and prove if I cared enough …where she’s a stripper, he’s a has been looking for media coverage or at least to give a bitch media coverage cuz he has no self esteem, likes fucking her and knows this is all he can offer…and who cares, it’s amazing… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

The rest is here:
Courtney Stodden’s Valentine’s Day Bikini of the Day