Tag Archives: career-doesn

Worthless Nipple Slip of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord doesn’t matter… Her intentional nipple slip doesn’t matter… Her career doesn’t matter.. Her five or fifteen minutes of fame are over… But at least she keeps trying…the world….needs girls like this…because otherwise I wouldn’t get my fix of staged nipple slips to get the blogs to write about you like it was still 2006…and I’d have to come to terms with getting older…and more irrelevant…..because times are changing…a lot like AnnaLynne McCord….only I’m well aware of it and she’s still in her delusional, thinks she’s hot an important bubble…that will eventually burst when the paparazzi finally decide to not take the titty flash pics….it will happen..but then again, the paparazzi are as desperate as her. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Worthless Nipple Slip of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Worthless Nipple Slip of the Day

Kate Gosselin Trading Bandwidth for Band-Aids?

Kate Gosselin may be smarter than we thought. Just in case that big movie career doesn’t pan out, the reality TV maven is making sure she can still provide for her…

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Kate Gosselin Trading Bandwidth for Band-Aids?