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Originally posted on AllHipHop : Photo via Carmen’s Instagram Allegedly, Nas’s first baby mama Carmen Bryan is homeless, and has been since last summer. Perception is…
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Originally posted on AllHipHop : Photo via Carmen’s Instagram Allegedly, Nas’s first baby mama Carmen Bryan is homeless, and has been since last summer. Perception is…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged been-since, bennyhollywood, carmen-bryan, future-says, hill-on-huffpost, Hollywood, instagram, lamont, News
Nas Babymama Says He Asked Her To Join In On Sex With Kelis Life might still be good for Nas right now, but it may be about to get a little messy. A few years ago, Nas’ babymama and ex-girlfriend Carmen Bryan made waves with the release of her tell-all book “It’s No Secret,” where she aired out the details of her secret squirrel “affair” with Jay Z that inevitably led to the infamous beef between Hov and Nas. Fast-forward to 2013, and word on the street is that Carmen is set to release a follow up to the book, in which she dishes more dirt on a variety of people other than herself. Adding fuel to the fire, screen shots from an “Ask Me Anything” session online have hit the internet, and a user listed as “Carmen Bryan” is spilling a isht load of messy tea on her relationship with Jay Z, her dislike for Kelis and why, Nas asking her to do a threeway while married, and a whole lot more. Hit the flip to peep the messiness for yourself… Continue reading
You know who, said you know what, about you know who… Carmen Bryan Bashes Nas New Song “Daughters” Yesterday , Nas dropped a new banger about his “little princess”, Destiny, called “Daughters” from his upcoming album Life Is Good . While most of the hip-hop community was overwhelmingly ecstatic about Mr. Jones new track, one person in particular was none-too-happy with the legendary Queensbridge spitter. Carmen Bryan , Nas’ daughter’s mother, took twitter to voice her displeasure with him and his decision to re-air the business that all of us already knew anyway . As expected, the twitterverse turned on Carmen and she spent several hours going back-and-forth with fans defending her daughter. Hit the flip to peep the tweets. How do you feel about Nas’ song? Was he out of bounds for putting the facts down on wax??
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Baby Mama Drama: Carmen Bryan Goes On Twitter Rant Behind Nas’ New Tell-All Tune “Daughters”
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged carmen-bryan, daughter, for the children, little-princess, Music, new-music, peep-the-tweets, People Magazine, student, the-list, what the hell???