Tag Archives: case-it-weren

Bill O’Reilly to Donald Trump: Just Stop Tweeting!

In case it weren't incredible enough that Donald Trump is leading the Republican field for President, consider this: He's leading the Republican field for President while somehow managing to NOT get along well with Fox News anchors. We already know how Trump feels about Megyn Kelly . And now he's gotten into it with the face of the network himself, Bill O'Reilly. Trump appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on Monday to defend his retweet of fabricated crime statistics that blamed African-Americans for most of the country's homicides. The Donald made the news on November 22 when he quoted a chart that somehow claimed African-Americans are responsible for 81 percent of murders in which white people are the victims. The actual number, according to the FBI, is pretty much the exact opposite: 82 percent of murders involving white victims in 2014 were committed by other white people. O’Reilly confronted Trump with this ill-informed message, saying “it’s totally wrong” and he’s “bothered” by Trump publicizing it, to which the politician actually replied: “Hey Bill. Bill. Am I gonna check every statistic? I've got millions and millions of people, @realDonaldTrump by the way.” “You've got to, you're a presidential contender,” O'Reilly replied to Trump's wild notion that he “check every statistic,” or at least the ones that claim one race goes around killing another race. O'Reilly didn't exactly convince Trump of his side (shocking, right?), despite trying to explain that such a message is perfect for Democrats it allows them to paint Trump as “racist.” In the end, after Trump refused to give an inch, O'Reilly offered up a suggestion: just stop Tweeting. “Give it up for Lent,” O'Reilly said. “Lent is coming soon.”  

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Bill O’Reilly to Donald Trump: Just Stop Tweeting!