Tag Archives: cashier-asks

Fast Food French Fries RANKED: Just Say No to Soggy Fries!

Would you like fries with that? Ask yourself how many times you’ve been asked that question and hesitated to answer because the truth is, the French fries wherever you are just don’t cut the mustard. Worry no more! We’ve got you covered.  Oh yes, we’re talking about fast food French fries, ranked from worst to best, and taking the guesswork out of that obligatory upsell of a question.  9 Fast Food French Fries: Ranked From Worst to Best 9. Sonic Everything at Sonic tastes like styrofoam except for their Slush. Stay away from the fries and opt for the tots instead! Thanks to us, the next time the cashier asks whether or not you want fries, you’ll know when to say no. Or just go for the onion rings instead. Ooooh, onion rings … mmm. Be sure to check out our ultimate fast food chicken nuggets rankings , then tell us below: Which chain has the best fries, in your humble opinion?

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Fast Food French Fries RANKED: Just Say No to Soggy Fries!