Tag Archives: cast-on-dancing

Cher Slams Bigots, Rallies Support For Chaz Bono on Dancing With the Stars

Upset by the harsh criticism of Chaz Bono being cast on Dancing With the Stars, his famous mom is rallying to transgendered contestant’s defense. Cher, who fully backed Chaz’s decision to become a man, offered overwhelming support of Chaz on Twitter and urged her followers to do the same, writing: “Lovelies! Chaz is Being Viciously Attacked on Blogs & Message boards about being on DWTS! This is Still America right? It took guts 2 do it.” “I support him no matter what he chooses 2do! God! will here always be haters! It took COURAGE 2 do dwts! TG Chaz has Unlimited supply.” Cher added : “Can u guys check out sites & give him your support ? BTW …Mothers don’t stop Getting angry with stupid bigots who fk with their children!” “I Will bet the VAST MAJORITY of People will LOVE CHAZ on DWTS ! & it’s took Fkg Guts 2! Chaz isn’t exactly the “Gotta Dance Gotta Dance” kinda Guy.” Doesn’t sound like he’ll be the frontrunner based on his dance moves, according to his mom, but if she has anything to say about it, he’ll win over fans. For his part, Chaz appreciated Cher’s words, responding: “Thanks for all your support mom. The haters are just motivating me to work harder than ever and stay on DWTS as long as I possibly can.” [Photos: Fame Pictures, WENN.com]

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Cher Slams Bigots, Rallies Support For Chaz Bono on Dancing With the Stars