Tag Archives: catches-the-guy

Kate Middleton Feeds my Cowgirl Fetish of the Day

Here’s Kate Middleton ….dressed like a cowboy in canada for stampede bullshit… If you’re like me, then you’ve always had the fantasy of having your car breakdown while driving through a farm community, forcing you to go to the nearest farmer and ask for a bed to sleep in because it isn’t 2011 and we don’t have tow trucks, cell phones or any other necessities needed to get off the road when we break down….. where he decides to offer you a warm meal and his hot hick daughter ravages you while you sleep in the barn with the sheep…only to get caught as you’re coming but the gun toting dad who is mad cuz he wants her pussy all to his hick inbred self…. We’ve all seen that scene in the movies and the pornos….unrealistic….but still hot….and now Kate Middleton is feeding it….all inbred with her inbred husband….dressed like a cowgirl ready to rodeo on your dick…until Prince William catches you and comes at you with his redheaded erection and military trained marksman rifle pointed at your head before he taps into his homosexual cuz he is british roots… and rapes you….cuz that’s really what happens when the farmer catches the guy with his daughter or wife…they just don’t tell you that part in the movies…ruining this fantasy all together….but I’m posting the pics anyway… Sidenote….she’s not even that hot….maybe it’s the cowboy hat…but I think it is her shitty looking face. TEAM PIPPA.

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Kate Middleton Feeds my Cowgirl Fetish of the Day