Tag Archives: catching-hella

77-Year Old Black Woman Assaulted On A Plane By White Man, Forced To Move HER Seat [Video]

Ryanair is catching hella flak over a recent racial incident that took place on one their flights from from Barcelona to London on Friday. A white old man apparently had an issue with a 77-year old Black woman sitting in the same row as him, so in true racist Wypipo fashion, he raised hell. He said to the Jamaican woman, “Don’t talk to me in a foreign language, you stupid ugly cow! Ugly black bastard.” The passenger who filmed the disgusting incident, David Lawrence, told Newsweek he was unhappy with the airline’s response which he described as “absolutely incompetent and unprofessional. Ryanair doesn’t care.” Instead of kicking the man off the flight, the airline asked the woman to move to another seat, in order to keep the peace. After being called out for being careless and unprofessional, Ryanair has since turned the issue over to Essex police.  SMH.

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77-Year Old Black Woman Assaulted On A Plane By White Man, Forced To Move HER Seat [Video]