Tag Archives: caught creepin'

True Or False? Is Drizzy Smashing This Vixen’s Massive Cakes To Smithereens?

We’ll just go on and vote “yes” based on her pics… Drake Dating Video Vixen Lira Galore He may not exactly be over Rihanna , but Drake is definitely finding ways to keep himself occupied while he gets over her. Drizzy may have recently spilled the beans on his extracurricular activities with professional cake model (and stripper) Lira Mercer, aka Lira Galore . The two each posted these pics from what appears to be the same restaurant table late Friday evening: Drake never met a vixen he didn’t want to wine and dine, huh? Hmm…well dinner doesn’t necessarily mean “dating.” This could be an innocent, um…business meeting? Let’s just take a closer look at Lira right quick: Well, no wonder Drake can’t focus on Rihanna right now…who could focus on anything with that massive round distraction this young lady’s toting around behind her? Peep more pics of Drake’s pretty little playmate after the jump. Happy Sunday, fellas. Instagram

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True Or False? Is Drizzy Smashing This Vixen’s Massive Cakes To Smithereens?