Tag Archives: causing-climate

It’s Hot Enough to Wake the Media: MSM Links Heat, Extreme Flooding to Climate Change

It had to happen sooner or later. After experiencing the hottest decade on record (2000-2009), the hottest spring (2010), and the hottest overall Jan-June period, and then a bunch of record-shattering highs around the globe, as well as heatwaves and an unusually powerful monsoon, the media was bound to draw the connection between the extreme weather and the warming planet. It’s a bit of a tricky line to walk, to be sure — no single monsoon or heatwave, no matter how crippling, proves man is causing climate change. But ignoring that our warming climate plays a role in these weather events is dishonest too. Thankfu… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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It’s Hot Enough to Wake the Media: MSM Links Heat, Extreme Flooding to Climate Change

To The Global Elite The Math Is Simple: Human Overpopulation Is Causing Climate Change So The Solution To Climate Change Is Population Control

Today there is headline after headline in the mainstream media about how dangerous “climate change” is and about how the world as we know it is going to end if we don't take dramatic steps to fight global warming. But what they don't tell you in the mainstream media is what the “final solution” for the problem of “climate change” that the global elite have come up with actually is. You see, for the global elite the math is simple. They believe that human overpopulation is causing climate change, and so the solution to climate change is population control. As bizarre as that sounds, that is what they actually believe. The truth is that they are convinced that climate change is going to literally destroy the earth and that the best way to fight climate change is to get rid of a whole bunch of us. added by: Revelation1217