A video posted by Chelsea Miller (@chelsea_millerxoxo) on Apr 26, 2015 at 3:09pm PDT I’ve chosen not to let my insecurities stop me from enjoying life! I refuse to let societies standards keep me from finding beauty in myself, flaws included! Plus sized models is a real thing now. It’s a real trend. Brands and Agencies fucking love fat chicks because it’s so good for business…and more importantly…it’s so easy to find fat chicks to model for you…at least based on my experience with fat chicks…which has involved them being the only ones willing to suck my dick, while I kind of say “better than nothing”…until accidentally marrying one and being miserable for the rest of my life because that is what I deserve… What I am saying is that the world is fat, so fat chicks taking ownership of their fat, instead of working out and eating well, because that would require work and effort and going against being fat, while just embracing it can double as an empowerment…. So much plus sized model noise, in protest to skinny and healthy girls…because they are just jealous…while plus sized male models…don’t even exist…because dudes aren’t feminist bitches, we realize when we’re fat and disgusting… If plus sized male models exist, why aren’t they going viral like fat chicks are… Anyway, here’s a newly signed Chelsea Miller, who is ALyssa Miller’s sister, who you’ll know from Sports Illustrated and that’s about it, and we can assume that she was like “you’re fat with a pretty face, the agencies want fat with a pretty face, just keep eating and I’ll introduce you”…to both have her sister make money and to get her sister off her back as the annoying jealous fat sister who always complains about being the fat sister… Here are some pics from her instagram….big tits as fat chicks tend to have.. All this to say, I call this “getting my fat jealous sister off my back”…and at least it isn’t Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy… Here’s some Alyssa Miller since you probably have no idea who she is…because I don’t know who she is and I do this shit everyday..oh right..she dated Jake Gyllenhaal… The post Chelsea Miller is Alyssa Miller’s Fat Model Sister of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Chelsea Miller is Alyssa Miller’s Fat Model Sister of the DAy