Tag Archives: children-love

Nick Jonas For President

If the whole boy band thing doesn’t work out… Nick Jonas knows exactly what he wants to do.

Excerpt from:
Nick Jonas For President

Suri’s Candy Ban

Most children love candy, sweets, and ice-cream.. But if your a celebuspawn, things are a little healthier these days.  Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ adorable daughter Suri Cruise has developed a penchant for all things green and good.  The toddler has been snacking on fat-free endamame bean and raisins, while mother Katie Holmes is filming in Melbourne, Australia.  Staff members at Melbourne’s Wagamama restaurant said they were quite stunned when the toddler munched on boiled and salted endamame beans at the table she shared with her mother.  “Most people don’t know what endamame beans are, never mind a three-year-old toddler

Suri’s Candy Ban