Tag Archives: children-may

Get Creative: Homemade Crafts To KeeP Kids Entertained

Most children may have the attention span of Dory from Finding Nemo – quickly losing interest within minutes, which is why we need to have a few crafts up our sleeves to keep them entertained. Why buy what you can make? Check out these homemade crafts for kids that will keep the fun times rolling. More…

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Get Creative: Homemade Crafts To KeeP Kids Entertained

Swine flu symptoms in children

The symptoms of swine flu in children are more severe than symptoms of a childhood cold. Symptoms of flu in children start abruptly and usually cause kids to feel the worse during the first two or three days of onset. Flu symptoms in children may include: A high-grade fever up to 104 degrees F Chills and shakes with the fever Extreme tiredness Headache and body aches Dry, hacking cough Sore throat Vomiting and belly pain Swine flu likely spreads by direct contact with respiratory secretions of

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Swine flu symptoms in children