Tag Archives: chocolate drop

Is Jay-Z A Hypocrite For Criticizing T-Pain About Autotune? [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

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T-Pain made autotune hot with his long string of hits, and shots were fired by Jay-Z when he released “D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-Tune)” in 2009. But Kanye West has also used autotune extensively, and Jay-Z not only seems to avoid making the same criticism to ‘Ye, he joined forces with him. In this exclusive interview, T-Pain talks about Jay-Z’s inconsistent criticism. Plus, T-Pain tells us who else have criticized him for using the autotune vocal effect so much. Hear what T-Pain has to say in the video below, and check out his brand new album rEVOLVEr . RELATED POSTS: Kanye West Takes Jay-Z On A Tour Of Chicago [VIDEO] Jay-Z & Kanye West Prepping Solo Albums And Watch The Throne 2? [VIDEO] T-Pain Vs. “Chocolate Drop” (Kevin Hart) [RAP BATTLE]

Is Jay-Z A Hypocrite For Criticizing T-Pain About Autotune? [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]

Pure Comedy: T-Pain Vs Chocolate Drop (Kevin Hart) Rap Battle [Video]

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Pure Comedy: T-Pain Vs Chocolate Drop (Kevin Hart) Rap Battle [Video]