Tag Archives: claim-on-bill

Trace Cyrus Takes On The Jonas Brothers

Trace Cyrus hit up Katsuya restaurant in Hollywood last night and the older brother of famous sister Miley Cyrus had some new chick buy his side and it’s not Demi Lovato . Trace and the Camp Rock star recently broke up over conflicting schedules but this new arm candy could be Demi’s twin! Well an older lip-plumped scene chick version at least. In other Trace news, the Metro Station guitar player and singer has lashed out against everyone’s favorite Disney trio, The Jonas Brothers , saying that their image is “fake.” Careful who you attack there Trace.

Trace Cyrus Takes On The Jonas Brothers

Quentin Hashes Things Out

Quentin Tarantino went on the Howard Stern radio show and claimed that Brad Pitt gave him a block of hashish – after the pair boozed their way through five bottles of wine!  The film director has revealed that he went to Pitt’s French home, in a bid to get him to sign up for new flick, Inglourious Basterds . Tarantino claimed one of the “coolest” things Pitt did during the meeting was to “pull out a brick of hash” and give him a piece of it.

See the rest here:
Quentin Hashes Things Out