Tag Archives: claims-it-hurts

The Kendra Wilkinson Sex Tape Nightmare: It Hurts!

It pains us to look at D anielle Staub sex tape photos . Not as much, though, as Kendra Wilkinson claims it hurts her to think about her own, recently-released sex tape (yes, the same one she willingly filmed and has pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars for). In an interview with Ryan Seacrest this week, she tried to put a positive spin on Kendra Exposed : “It hurts, but I know it’s going to make me and Hank better parents. It’s really going to make us teach our child what’s right and wrong in this world, what’s good and evil… We’re going to make sure our son is raised with a good head on his shoulders, a person that has morals, that treats women with respect.” Ah, yes, morals and respect. Just curious: Where does milking this incident for publicity and money – via televised interviews and tabloid covers that actually include a photo of your son along with a headline about your sex tape – fit in to this stance? Asked about the man who leaked the video, ex-boyfriend Justin Frye , Wilkinson said: “I was going to marry him, we were going to be together forever… I didn’t do it out of fame, I didn’t do it for money, I did it because I was in love with him. It just sucks. It’s really embarrassing.” Not so embarrassing that she won’t discuss it publicly, of course. If the price is right. WATCH KENDRA CONJURE UP FAKE TEARS AND ASK FOR YOUR SYMPATHY IN THE INTERVIEW BELOW. Pretending to Cry

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The Kendra Wilkinson Sex Tape Nightmare: It Hurts!