Tag Archives: clearly-wants

Tiger Woods Tweets Love For Kids, Pie

Tiger Woods has come a long way since last Thanksgiving. Last year, there was a car crash, a likely 9-iron to the grill and a series of revelations that led to him being crowned THG’s Biggest Turkey of the year. His fake, perfect life unraveled that infamous night. This Thanksgiving, though? Just some fake Tweets about his new low-key, family-oriented life. FACADE : The star’s seemingly perfect life was anything bu t. With Elin Nordegren long gone, Tiges spent a quiet holiday with his two kids, Sam, 3, and Charlie, 1

Oksana Grigorieva — Dissatisfied, Lawyer Shopping

Filed under: Oksana Grigorieva , Mel Gibson , Celebrity Justice , Neal Hersh , Sorrell Trope Oksana Grigorieva clearly wants more than she’s been getting from the courts — because she’s seriously on the hunt for another family law lawyer in her legal war with Mel Gibson. We’ve learned she’s made an appointment to meet with yet another… Read more

Oksana Grigorieva — Dissatisfied, Lawyer Shopping