Tag Archives: clip-at-work

Dying Dog Receives One Last Play Day: Watch and Weep!

We're issuing a hardcore tearjerker alert on this one. If you weren't able to able to handle the bulldog with a half a body or the famous Budweiser “Lost Dog” commercial then you're probably not emotionally equipped for the sight of Sophia the St. Bernard enjoying one last romp in the snow. Sophia was recently diagnosed with terminal bone cancer, and her owners were informed that she wouldn't live to see another winter. The news was especially tragic as playing in the snow was always Sophia's favorite activity. Her family sent an email to an indoor snow park near their home in Scotland on the off chance that management would allow them to violate the “no pets” policy just this once. The park owners granted the request just as Sophia was to be put to sleep, and the gentle giant got to spend her last day enjoying her favorite kind of weather. Don't watch this clip at work unless you're willing to pretend your allergies are acting up.

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Dying Dog Receives One Last Play Day: Watch and Weep!