Tag Archives: closed-objects

Nugget From The Net: First 4D Platformer

3D gaming is old and busted. The new hottness is 4D , and the first fourth dimensional platformer is Miegakure , a platform game where you “explore the fourth dimension to solve puzzles.” This game is a little like those Magic-Eye 3D books. You really have to watch it a bunch of times to “get it.” But it’s very cool when you do. Here’s the official description of how to see/understand the 4th dimension in game form: “Because humans can only see and move along three spatial dimensions, pressing a button allows to ‘swap’ one regular dimension with the fourth, invisible dimension. The protagonist can use this ability to see inside closed objects, walk through walls, move objects from one dimension to another, hide under 3D shadows of 4D objects, and more.”

Originally posted here:
Nugget From The Net: First 4D Platformer

Preview: Lost Planet 2 Multiplayer

TheFeed ‘s Jake “The Snake”

Slam-a-jamma! Our First Look at NBA Jam with Creative Producer, Trey Smith

The NBA Jam series has been a classic since 1993 with real digitized likenesses and amazing superhuman dunking, but now it’s Wii bound and will require you to move around to play it. Adam Sessler interviews creative director, Trey Smith, about EA Sports’ NBA Jam to get to the bottom of it all! Check out the video below. Also be sure to view our spectacular dunking gallery here .