Tag Archives: clothes-looking

Miranda Kerr Hot for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Victoria’s Secret has the ability to take the same fucking picture and recycle it over and over and over and over again….for 4 fucking decades and still manage to be compelling…because there’s a half naked woman in it…whether it is lame, or cheesy or tacky or just fucking boring…I still manage to stare at the shit all day…no matter what the model is…I’m hooked into their scam…those corporate bastards always fucking win… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Miranda Kerr Hot for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Damaged Amanda Bynes Turns Me on of the Day

Amanda Bynes has been in the tabloids lately for fallin’ off, losing her mind, breaking the law, crying for help like a broken teen starlet who was robbed of her youth and who is now going through her rebellious stage, and I am pretty glad all this crashing, burning and hitting rock bottom happened, cuz it gives me an excuse to stare at her legs, because before this scandal, I….like everyone else in the world…totally forgot she existed….not to mention I love a broken girl…welcome back momma. To See More Pics of her Awesome Legs FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Damaged Amanda Bynes Turns Me on of the Day

Kelly Brook and Abigail Clancy Compare Cleavage of the Day

Kelly Brook is the worst…I have a love hate relationship with her, which in and of itself is fucking weird since I have never met her and will never met her, and really I am just having a relationship with pictures on a screen, which is probably not the weirdest thing I have had a relationship with, but it is up there… The reason I hate her is cuz I know her game…posing in pics with other whores..the model who fucks her way to the right place and is totally irritating about it…playing the game, hustling and making money, even though she doesn’t matter…making me angry everytime I see her smile and get attention…..but then she lures me back in with her tits…cuz her tits…are some kind of wonderful…. Here she is modeling her clothes looking pretty fucking boring and hididng her tits pretty fucking unstrategically…. http://forum.drunkenstepfather.com/showthread.php?t=53654

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Kelly Brook and Abigail Clancy Compare Cleavage of the Day