Tag Archives: clothing-she

Eyebrows On Invisibility: Kimmy Cakes Shows Off New ‘Alien-Chic’ Look With Bleached Brows

Kim looks crazy as hell. Kim Kardashian West Rocks Bleached Brows At Kendall Jenner’s Bday Bash Kim and ‘Ye (and is that Frenchie we see in the back??) turned out for Kylie Jenner’s fashion and young Hollyweird-packed 19th bday bash. But Kim seemed to have forgotten one of her most necessary accessories. No, not Nori …but Kim’s eyebrows…where they at though? Well as it turns out, they’re still there, just white washed for a photoshoot. Creepy-looking though, right? We’d be interested to see what this shoot is looking like and how many articles of clothing she will (or won’t) have on in it. How many Kardashian-loving Kim-bots do you think will copy this look? Hit the flip to take another peep at Kim’s brows…or lack thereof. Instagram

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Eyebrows On Invisibility: Kimmy Cakes Shows Off New ‘Alien-Chic’ Look With Bleached Brows