Tag Archives: coast-residents

Rising Sea Levels Threaten Drinking Water Supplies for 15 Million East Coast Residents

Image via Blue Living Ideas The problem of sea level rise is usually discussed in terms of the dislocation of people away from coastlines, or even whole islands . But sea level rise has another dire impact: the loss of freshwater drinking supplies. The Delaware estuary is unfortunately a perfect example of how higher sea levels due to warmer global … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Rising Sea Levels Threaten Drinking Water Supplies for 15 Million East Coast Residents

Business as usual? BP Deepwater Horizon partner Anadarko to pay out $45 million dividend

Who cares about a l'il ole disaster, pardner?? Not James Hackett, CEO of Anadarko Petroleum of Texas, BP's second major partner in the ill-fated Macondo oil well that is currently spewing thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico with no end in sight. Undaunted by BP's decision to forego its scheduled $7.8 billion payout to that company's shareholders, Anadarko intends to “share the wealth” despite the tragic losses and devastation being incurred by Gulf coast residents and wildlife. Oh yes, Mr. Hackett also sits on the board of Halliburton, the company that poured the cement for the doomed rig hours before the April 20th explosion. http://looncanada.wordpress.com/2010/06/17/loon-extra-co-owner-of-deepwater-hori… added by: foolforacigarette